Tuesday, 25 April 2017

On Holidays

Hello everyone,

sorry about not being any updates, I am on holidays and decided to take a break from developing the game. I finish my holidays next week and will start development again then as well. So fear not the game is still in development.


Sunday, 9 April 2017

Weekend Update 4 for Pre-Alpha 0.0.1

Not much to update, I finished re-writing the GUI and it's all working good again, I am on holidays next week from work so I hope to get a bit done during my holidays.

Wednesday, 5 April 2017

Mid week updates for 0.0.1

Not much to update at the moment. I ran into an issue and had to re-write the GUI. So I am still in that process. The new GUI looks much better and much more responsive. I am hoping to be finished it by the weekend and get the rest of the development on track.

Saturday, 1 April 2017

Weekend Update 3 for Pre-Alpha 0.0.1

Pre-Alpha status:
  • Main character's room (99%).
  • Female main character (95%).
  • Room mate interaction (90%).
  • A 'frat party' you can go too (60%).
  • One multi-part event (95%).
  • NPC interaction system (75%).
  • Foreplay (90%).
  • Vaginal Sex (75%). 
  • NPC tracking System (55%).
  • Text re-write (0%).
 Which means it's about 73% complete.

I have had a very productive few days. As I was writing the black mail event for the guard I realised that I hadn't completed system that keeps track pregnancy/cum etc. So I spent quite a few hours on that and rewrote a big part of it. It is now working, it is likely need more changes at a later stage but it works well for the moment.

I have also pretty much completed the first 'quest'. I only need to add a few more minor details and it is ready to go. I will be able to use it as a template for many other 'quests'.

I had to do some major rework on the calendar, I realised I had no way of dynamically calculating future dates. That is all solved now, so if you do a quest that requires you to be finished within a week, it will calculate a week from the start date.

I have made some improvement to the GUI, I think it looks a bit better now, however it still needs work.

The next few days I will just be cleaning up my code a bit since I have added a lot of new stuff. Once that is done I will finish off the first quest.